
The Break is Over

By the time that this is written, my vacation will be over. So in its final moments, I've chosen to reflect on the past days of my life. Lord, thanks for that time off! For real, I remember struggling to stay awake on the train; even falling asleep standing. As I see that same struggle on the horizon again, I want to remind myself of the highlights of this past break from "the grind." Putting up the Christmas tree, the Olympic Torch ceremony, Christmas & a birthday celebration. Not to mention the runs I got to accomplish, including the one I spent with "Che" on NYE. Time with la famila; honestly, daytime TV isn't the same without them. Who knew "Teen Mom" would bring us together, right? So dear self: as you step closer to your fears, remember that good will always come after seemingly impending doom. No fear this year. 2010 is mine.

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