
Will You Follow Me?

Do celebrities get away with things that normal people could never do or am I just a hater? I imagine the answer is both when you really analyze the two points but indulge me for a bit. If I went into a restaurant & expected a cheaper meal after the staff caught a glance at me, they'd probably end up charging me more for being ignorant. Famous folks can apparently make situations like this work out in their favour though. So after spending a fair amount of time telling myself that it'd be out-of-bounds to share your innermost feelings about someone via keystrokes, imagine my surprise when I heard that celebs are proposing to each other online.
I've had nothing but respect for what Kat Von D does since her days on TLC while the name Deadmau5 has been relevant to me since Ghosts N' Stuff. I had no idea that they were romantically involved with each other but they are & since December 15, 2012 at 10:41pm EST they've been engaged. How do I know the exact date & time of their engagement? The same way I know the world is set to end when time runs out on some Mayan calender; the Internet.
In regards to the couple, mazel tov. I cheer for just about anyone who finds happiness without hurting anybody while proving that love isn't some dying fad. I wouldn't even mind being one of those people some day. However on the day I work up the guts to ask "That Special Someone" to marry me, I'll be shocked if I do it via Twitter.
I've always been under the impression that this is the type of thing that you do face-to-face with someone. This method doesn't have that awkward "Please don't stutter, please don't stutter, please don't stutter" feeling that accompanies the butterflies that we all enjoy in our stomachs so much. You also don't share any eye contact with that person & you miss out on watching their face transition from "What are you doing" to "OMG You're doing that". There's something I enjoy about these little things; as dreadful as they are.
I'm not brushing the idea of an e-proposal off. I've been told I'm likely to pull this type of stunt with a YouTube video. Riiight. SMH. Is it really that much less heartfelt than popping the question in a hot-air balloon overlooking a sunset that can only be described as "Instagram-esq"? Suppose you tweeted the question while in said hot-air balloon with your girl/guy in your arms? If you know the person you're with will be up for it then it's a fair move to consider. Your situation is different than mine or that of anyone else. Unless you're miserable in a relationship you can't escape because your significant other is keeping tabs on you at all times. In that case, I can send you the notes I took during a past relationship. It's all a matter of perspective. Go wherever the butterflies take you. Regardless of how you get there, if there's a smile waiting for you when you arrive you're fine.


  1. If he had written the proposal in text-speak, everything would be complete.

    I don't know. But I guess it falls into the whole "breaking up with someone over a text or an email" category. The phones/internet make it slightly impersonal. (In this case, I guess it works for them).

    Technology's quickly replacing human interaction and it's a bit distressing. Soon, we'll be having dinner with friends over Skype instead of going to restaurants. (my friends are mostly on their phones while we're having dinner already so what's the point?)

    But hey, to each their own, I say.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I thought about the "Breakup text/e-mail" while writing this. The reason that that shouldn't be done might serve as the same reason why one should propose in person. It's about the interaction.

      Technology might actually be improving some relationships by allowing people to meet people online & keep in touch with them when in past generations such relationships would shrivel.

      There's a lot to discuss here. Someone should record such a debate on a podcast.

  2. Haha, we should do a podcast. Yeah, I guess there are two sides of the (technology) coin. It can produce advantages and disadvantages. I know I've met some awesome people over the internet. So yeah, that's good. And people do fall in love through social networking sites such as Facebook and the rest. So yeah.

    But maybe I'm just a traditional girl, you know. I'd probably say "yes" to the guy who makes the effort and does something fancy than the one who sends a text or an email or a tweet asking to marry me. Some girls like the whole Cinderella-fairy-tale-thing

    Then again, in reality, I'd probably just say "no" to both.
