
To Ireland, With Love

Let's say there's this guy. He somehow ends up having a chance encounter with a girl & the pair hit it off. Unfortunately though they happen to live worlds apart from each other & the geography would be kind of a b---h to difficult to deal with if a relationship between the two commenced. However our male protagonist quickly comes to the realization that this girl might be special & feels that he has to find her. So he sets off on a journey to a land many miles from the one he calls home in order to find her. Remind you of anyone?

The way I see this is: Sandy Crocker met a girl in a pub on a trip to Ireland, had a conversation & got a really good vibe from her. This feeling was so strong that he felt the need to leave his work, his home & his life for a month to go back in an attempt to find her.
I suppose there are two ways to react to this story. Some opt to take the route involving the word "Stalker". After all, it only took him a grand total of one unscheduled meeting before he decided that she was the one for him. He didn't even get her name in this conversation that apparently went so well. Now I'm no master socialist but falling for a girl that didn't even tell you her name might be taking a bit of a leap of faith, no?
On the other hand, feelings make people do crazy things. Even when you know better, you end up going to foolish lengths & facing more risk than any normal reward can justify. However, love isn't exactly normal, is it? It's all... bleh. Yucky & fantastic at the same time. Like pop music from the 90s.
I can't help but find myself cheering for Mr. Crocker. If he doesn't at least try to find her, he'll go on wondering what could have been for who knows how long. Sure, he might find someone who at least lives in the same area code as he does & that might lead to a good relationship & a perfectly normal life. But really, who strives for "good" or "normal" when they have a shot at a storybook romance?
My logic for at least a few years now has been: "Why settle for good when you have a shot at great?" You can accept "good" & never know what you could have had or you can put all your cards on the table & go for broke. Personally, I'm not the type of person who could live without knowing something of that magnitude nor do I think it would be fair to the next lady in your life. Assuming she knew the story & that you wimped out at attempting to contact the girl in Ireland, wouldn't she sort of feel like she's second best? Who am I kidding. The day I figure out how females think will probably be the day after the Sun explodes. Also, so what if Miss Ireland doesn't feel the same? At that point, you know the truth. It'll hurt & you'll look like a wee bit of a jackass but you'll know. You can then pick up the pieces &, in theory, can take comfort in the fact that you know exactly where you stand. Because that's how smoothly breakups go, right? Plus, even the worst case scenario here still involves a movie based on this story getting made. So go get your girl, Sandy! Find your love! The hopeless romantics of the world are cheering for you. As a kid born in the age of Nintendo, what's life if you're not trying to rescue a princess?

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